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Interview with Matthew Stanford

The Mental Health Pandemic That the Church Must Step Into

An Interview with Dr. Matthew Stanford

The world has seen the growth of mental health issues and concerns skyrocket over the last couple years. Research has shown that currently more than two in five U.S. adults say our communities need mental health assistance more than ever, and 50% of teens have developed a mental health issue during the pandemic. Although the […]

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Joe Padilla

Reframing Interviews: Healing in Mental Health

An Interview with Joe Padilla

Why is mental health in the church not always addressed seriously? Where do those who struggle with a continuing mental health battle go for help? In order to help answer these questions, Joe Padilla started the Mental Health Grace Alliance. After 10 years of fighting personal struggles, Joe developed a life-changing recovery process and wellness […]

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Patsy Clairmont

I’m Afraid Not—How to Move from Fear to Freedom

An Interview with Patsy Clairmont

Try to wrap your arms around this fact: One in four Americans suffers with long-term mental illness. No one speaks on the subject of mental illness like Patsy Clairmont . . . because she has lived through it. Having struggled for years, Patsy speaks openly, candidly, and truthfully about many aspects of her struggle—including what […]

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An interview with James Ward, Jr.

The Power of a Renewed Mind

An Interview with James E. Ward Jr.

Victims are speaking up and being heard like never before. Slammed across news channels and social media sites are horrific stories of bullying, inappropriate sexual behavior, domestic violence, and human trafficking, to name just a few. While these experiences are horrible, they offer something revolutionary. Raised in the deep south, James E. Ward Jr. never […]

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