Most caregivers today find it nearly impossible to take time for themselves.
Statistics prove that caregivers are more likely to have compromised health, shorter life spans, emotional and physical struggles, and lack the time to attend to their own needs. But there is hope!
Cindi Ferrini has lived as a caregiver for more than 33 years. In this interview, she offers some excellent tips on how she finds ways for what she calls “Me Time.” She offers an incredible amount of resource information as well as encouragement how you can find “Me Time” as a caregiver.
Watch the Interview
Our interview includes subjects such as what to do with isolation, being creative, depression, learning to be flexible, and having a mindset on Jesus Christ for your hope and strength.
Interview Questions
- What is Joey’s diagnosis?
- Because Joey is older, what was it like to have a different child? Did you struggle with depression or with feeling isolated?
- Did Joey have any sleep problems that added to caregiver burnout?
- How did you come up with the term, “Me Time”?
- What do you say to the caregiver who is single, divorced, or financially strapped—yet in need of “Me Time”?
- What are some other ideas for those trying to find refreshment?
- Some caregivers do get very depressed, struggle emotionally, take medication; what are words of hope for them?
- How did you handle the freedoms other mothers enjoyed, knowing you would not have those freedoms?
- How can your books and workbooks help us?
- How did your church help your family?
Let Me Hear from You
- What are some of your caregiving needs? What are your challenges to having those needs met?
- Have you asked for help? What do you wish your church knew about the challenges of your family life?
You can leave a comment by clicking here.
- Cindi’s web site:
- Cindi is the author of five books:
- No Regrets (her newest release)
- Balancing the Active Life: A Bible Study
- Get it Together: An Organizational Planner
- Tis the Season: A “Less Stress” Christmas Planner
- Unexpected Journey: When Special Needs Change Our Course (co-authored with Cindi’s husband, Joe)
Insight for Living Ministries Resources
- Laughter CD series by Charles R. Swindoll
- Attitude Gift Set by Charles R. Swindoll
- Passport Set
- Hymns for Living: Music for Courageous Living
Caregiving Links
Recommended Organizations:
- Caregiver Action Network is a leading organization for caregivers and their families. Their goal is to empower the lives of caregivers who serve loved ones with countless, chronic, or compromised conditions. Through research, peer support, education, and exceptional resources, CAN is highly recommended.
- Lotsa Helping Hands is an online organization created for helping and healing caregivers and their families. Their services include creating private and public support networks chosen by the caregiver or family, which then assist in organizing, volunteering, and serving caregivers. Their systematic structure provides simplicity for helpers, which then supports families and caregivers coping with daily responsibilities.
- The Well Spouse Association purposes to serve those caring for a chronically ill and/or disabled spouse. Their desire is to coordinate a national network of support groups, one-to-one connections, online chats and forums for coping and skill development, respite care, and many resources for families as they deal with their daily responsibilities.
- The National Alliance for Caregiving offers a variety of materials to support family caregivers. These resources range from booklets and tip sheets to webcasts and conference materials. With more than 50 nationally networked organizations, the Alliance provides a comprehensive system of support for caregivers and their families.