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What’s the Use of Prayer? It’s Getting Me Nowhere . . . Or Is It?

Do you ever feel like God isn’t listening to you? You pray and pray and pray… and NOTHING changes. N O T H I N G. I am profoundly certain that prayer and doubt is one of the enemy’s most effective, tactical weapons in the war for our souls. When we are suffering on any level, when our circumstances are too hard to endure, scripture tells us to pray. So, most of us do; expecting God to relieve us of suffering which renews our hope and provides a perfect church testimony.

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Joe Padilla

Reframing Interviews: Healing in Mental Health

An Interview with Joe Padilla

Why is mental health in the church not always addressed seriously? Where do those who struggle with a continuing mental health battle go for help? In order to help answer these questions, Joe Padilla started the Mental Health Grace Alliance. After 10 years of fighting personal struggles, Joe developed a life-changing recovery process and wellness […]

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