Dear Fellow Traveler, Today I woke up and wanted to tell you that you’re not alone on the journey of life. So many times I have felt alone. Even after years of timely reminders, I often still wonder if there is anyone out there who understands the challenges of raising a child with special needs. […]
Category: Grief/Encouragement
The Catcher
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s Circus was in town not long ago. Their arrival produced in me a flood of childhood memories. As a kid, my folks took me to see the circus. I loved to watch the trapeze artists. I was amazed that people could dangle from a thin bar, swish from arm […]
I wrote the following poem several years ago. When I found it the other day, I pondered its message. Even years later, these words remind me of life’s quiet cycle of suffering and restoration: life gets interrupted with pain or loss, God seems so distant, and then He restores and refreshes and seems so near. […]
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 Lord, here I am again, full of worry—a subject I bring to You over and over again. It’s about what I believe (Your truth and promises) playing tug of war with what I feel (my emotions and fears). The journey between my head and my heart is the hardest one of […]
Do You Believe?
A Note from Colleen Several years ago, I had the opportunity to speak with Nancy Guthrie, the writer of the following devotional, titled “Do You Believe?” Our talk was brief, and her voice was serene. One wouldn’t have expected this, due to the unspeakable suffering she’d experienced in her family. Two of Nancy’s children, Hope […]
Changing Our Minds, Changing Our Lives
The opening line of the sermon was: “What you believe about life affects everything about how you live your life.” The congregation quieted and heard once again: “What you believe about life affects everything about how you live your life.” Sometimes we believe happiness will eventually show up, or we might suppose, “If I do […]
2010—Something Better
Okay, let’s be honest about New Year’s resolutions. You write down the same resolutions every year, don’t you? I even bet some of these common resolutions made your list for 2010, as they did for 2008 and 2009. Lose weight. Manage debt. Save money. Get a better job. Get fit. Reduce stress. Take a trip. […]
When Hope Returns
Hope is a buoyancy word. It takes a tsunami-like surge to keep it submerged. It’s difficult, I know, to hold on to the life preserver of hope when storms rage in your life, but let me encourage you to tighten your grip. Perhaps this poem, “When Hope Returns,” will help. Despair, oh despair, you’ve taken my […]
Dear Wayfaring Traveler
Dear wayfaring traveler, your journey so long The night air’s dense, despairing, no song The darkened soul wonders, confused and alone This mystery of pain, so drained, forlorn Dear wayfaring traveler, winter doth reveal What binds up the soul, temptations that kill The vice-grip of self, motivations deep hidden Dark, longing desires of wishes forbidden […]
The Lord Bless You . . .
I have the following verses posted on my desk because I need to be reminded each day of the Lord’s greatness in my weakness. I need reassurance of all He can do in my life. The LORD bless you, and keep you; The LORD make His face shine on you, And be gracious to you; […]
Hope and Hiding Place
There are certain days (weeks?) I wish I could crawl into a cave and stay there. At times like those, I find comfort in the poignant words of this hymn. The Hiding Place In a time of trouble, in a time forlorn, There is a hiding place where hope is born. In a time of […]
Just Wondering
Have you ever wondered what the disciples thought the day Christ died—were they profoundly bewildered? What were Mary’s feelings just before she told Joseph of her pregnancy, or as she watched her baby boy, now a man, hang on a cross? Has it ever crossed your mind to wonder what Daniel’s thoughts were on the […]