
Open post
Caregiver Questionnaire

Stress and Compassion Fatigue in Caregiving Families

Guest Post and Caregiver Questionnaire by Jolene Philo

My friend Jolene Philo is a seasoned caregiver. She’s my “go-to” friend when I feel like I can’t go on. Jolene is writing a book focused on helping caregivers live more fully and abundantly while juggling their many demands. To cover the topic well she put together a very short questionnaire, and the response was […]

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Open post

A Chance to Start Over This Year

Facing the music and focusing on how something fresh can change your life

One of the most encouraging things about a new year is the word new. It means “unfamiliar . . . made or become fresh . . . different from one of the same category that has existed previously,” says Webster. Simply put, it’s a place to begin anew. Starting over requires knowing where you are. […]

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