What You Don’t Know about Insight for Living Ministries—Forty Years Later
It happened in the summer of 1979. Emerging from under my parent’s bed, it grew quickly and landed on our kitchen table. Everything in life was about to change. I was four weeks away from starting junior high. Throughout childhood, my dad was a faithful father and dedicated local pastor. Our lives were simple. Raising […]
Secrets of Daily Trust
I came across a gem. A hidden gold mine. An article written by my dad, Chuck Swindoll, that I must share with you . . . The hour of 1:00 a.m. comes every night, but there’s one 1:00 a.m. I’ll never forget. While you were likely sound asleep, I was wide awake . . . […]
From Special Needs to Special Strong
In a world where people love to hide behind masks, Daniel Stein wrestled with ADHD and Bipolar Disorder as a young adult behind closed doors. Watch as Colleen talks with Daniel about his incredible faith journey that includes 30 doctors, emotional and mental health, and the surprising way God now uses him and his story. […]
Recalculating: How to Navigate Life When You’re Lost
Ahhhh, FINALLY . . . we were off for a great weekend. Years ago, I was asked to speak at a women’s conference. The venue was about an hour away and near some places I love to visit. I called a friend and asked if she wanted to head out early so we could enjoy […]
Becoming Real
While driving to work today, my attitude wasn’t so great. More often than not, I’m a bit like Tigger from Winnie-the-Pooh, but today I felt like Eeyore. I know in my head that stress and demands exhaust my spirit, but the journey from my head to my heart is a long one. On days like […]
The Holy Spirit’s Power and Presence in Times of Crisis
Are you going through a severe test? Maybe you have lost your appetite or you haven’t slept well for weeks or months. Fear and panic have replaced quietness and peace. You experience loneliness, discouragement, and isolation, complicated by unending physical or emotional pain. You’ve prayed and asked others to pray as well. And still, there […]
From Pain to Passion—Taking the First Step
The last place I wanted to be was at church. My eyes were swollen almost shut from crying. My body ached from a physically demanding weekend: helping our son move to an apartment nearby, cleaning the house with one more empty room, and yard work that had to get done before gallons of rainfall gushed […]
Making Sense of Suffering
The verse jumped off the page when I first read it. Written by the wisest person who ever lived, Solomon penned his life journal in the book titled Ecclesiastes. To be honest, I hadn’t spent much time in Ecclesiastes, probably because I would get stuck in the two books before it—Psalms and Proverbs—which mix swaying […]
Hope and a Place to Hide During the Hard Times
Ever feel like you are the only one who struggles with certain things? I was speaking at a conference recently and everyone looked great. While I felt nervous, worried, and anxious, everyone else appeared to be moving along in life without a worry in the world. That said, most of us assume no one else […]
How to Choose Rest in a Rushed World
Ever had one of those days or weeks where unexpected stuff pops up and drains the life out of you? Like the game “whack a mole,” just as you knock out one issue another shoots up—WHACK! then another—WHACK, SLAM! . . . then another—WHACK, SLAM, SCREAM! I had one of those weeks not long ago. […]
You Did It!
I was hesitant to ask you for a favor. I know you have a lot on your plate, so for me to ask you to do one more thing was a big ask. Deep down I knew it would be helpful but, boy, I didn’t imagine ALL we would get from it. A big group […]
This Is for You
I’m sure sometimes you just roll your eyes. The things you read, see, and hear can be so trivial and unhelpful at times. If only people knew what you are REALLY going through. Well, I REALLY DO want to know. I want to know what YOU want to know, so I can serve you better. […]