Homework . . . need I say more?
It had been one of those days, and endeavoring to help my son Jon with his homework was not on the top of my “want-to-do” list. He was tired. I was more than cranky.
The combination was not going to provide a successful outcome . . . and it didn’t.
While I was trying to multitask, cooking dinner and sorting mail, Jon was anxiously attempting to do his homework on his own. I glanced over, only to see his red, sweaty face bent down, his hand gripping the pencil tightly.
His silent expression said it all: I feel defeated, and I cannot do this on my own. Instant conviction covered my soul. I had been a selfish jerk.
The problem was not Jon’s needs or his homework; the problem was my selfishness . . . putting my wants before his needs. I apologized immediately, soothed away some of the anxiety, and we finished the homework together.
Humanity and Homework
Life is like being in school, in which we’re always (hopefully) learning. Our selfishness, our sinful pride, our wants, or our whatevers get in the way of helping others meet their needs. Of course there is a balance; we must have our own time too. But being a parent of a special needs child has revealed I have much to learn about becoming more like Christ—to be forever learning and practicing patience, goodness, kindness, companionship, and, most of all, surrender—to release my will to God and follow His will.
Your Life Assignment
Philippians 4:8–9 says: “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you have learned and received. . . . Then the God of peace will be with you” (NLT). Why don’t we make it our assignment to choose one or two of those qualities to cultivate?
Let Me Hear from You
And if you need any help with your homework, let me know in our comments because we are all attending the same school.
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