Jennifer Shaw

Welcome to Life Not Typical

An Interview with Jennifer Shaw

Reframing Ministries Podcast
Reframing Ministries Interviews
Welcome to Life Not Typical

It was an enviable life.

Jennifer Shaw had strong Christian parents, an excellent education, a loving husband, and two adorable girls.

But it changed almost overnight.

A miscarriage that almost took her life, her beloved father’s diagnosis of a terminal disease, and the birth of her atypical son turned Jennifer’s life into one of suffering, sorrow, and searching. But her story also includes a surprising turn as she discovered God’s faithfulness and goodness through her suffering.

Listen in as we revisit this conversation with Jennifer, who offers a depth of understanding for caregivers and those with disabilities, empathy for those who have lost a loved one, and compassion for all who encounter life-changing circumstances.

Show Notes:

To contact Jennifer, listen to her music, or to purchase her books, visit her website! You can also follow her on Facebook and listen to her song, Your Child, on YouTube!

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