Stalking, rape, harassment, trauma, murder . . . these words represent the enormous reality that domestic violence has become a global epidemic. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence defines domestic violence as . . .
Willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetrated by one intimate partner against another.
The frequency and severity of domestic violence varies dramatically; for those with disabilities, the numbers skyrocket.
Very few people can speak on this subject like Chris Keith. As a child, Chris was shot in the head by his father after his father had strangled his mother and shot his brother.
Miraculously, Chris survived and is actively involved in helping survivors recover from their past. The church must stop denying and refusing to believe victims; we must become part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Let Me Hear from You
Domestic violence is the biggest kept secret in the church today. In fact, it’s almost impossible to find pastors who discuss this and step in to help. Most victims will say that when they sought help from their church, they were “re-victimized” through questioning, betrayal, blame, and being labeled as a liar.
The truth is that domestic abusers work in private; they . . .
- Threaten
- Dominate
- Intimidate
- Humiliate their victims behind closed doors
They want to look good; abusers are experts at manipulation and portraying innocence.
However, the damage and destruction they cause is tragic. If you have experienced abuse, please reach out to Insight for Living Ministries’ Reframing Ministries. We will listen, and we will believe you. We will help. Today is the day to make change happen.
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