When you encounter people who are going through a trial, do you find yourself thinking: I really want to help them, but what do they need most? As human beings, we all need the following qualities in our lives to help us through our toughest times. Perhaps pastors and leaders can consider including this list […]
Category: Pastors/Church Ministry
Soul Truth
You won’t believe what happened in a very formal church, several years ago. My son, Jonathan, not quite one year old, had the fantastic gift of throwing up everything he ate. So much so that I thought I would catch a lung at some point. I had moved to Dallas several years before and […]
I woke up on the wrong side of the bed recently, which is a nice way of saying I was cranky. It hadn’t been a superb week, so perhaps my snappish self emerged from hibernation that morning. By sundown, my attitude had gone from snappish to cantankerous to pretty much porcupineish. Usually, I try to […]
Getting Out the Door
At my house, getting out the door, especially to church, is almost an Olympic event. There are wardrobe crises, tired teenager tensions, sibling struggles—at times it’s more a combat zone than a home. I’ve observed many families with the same struggles. But isn’t it amazing how our attitudes change when we finally clamor into church […]
A Possible Revolution
It was a bustling Sunday morning at church. The children’s classes and adult fellowships overflowed with folks who appeared focused as well as fulfilled. The church was highly respected throughout the community and centrally located in one of the fastest growing cities of the nation. A visiting couple assessed the morning’s activities. Because their son […]
Mending Fences
What is it that defines property lines, provides security for kids, and gives privacy for parents? Fences, of course. The one in our backyard happens to be made of wood and, much of the time, is barely standing. It’s been slowly falling due to age, weather, and incessant pounding by our two dogs: Sherman, a […]
Truth or Myth?
It’s time to explore the truth (and myths) about our disabled population. Don’t run! For those who preach and teach the Word of God, your calling includes those with diseases and disabilities. I urge you to evaluate your attitude regarding them. Consider the following questions with reflection and examination. Be both teacher and student, presenter […]
Creatures of Habit
I am definitely a creature of habit, and maybe you are too. A habit provides a sense of security and simplicity. Studies show that with persistence and patience a habit can be created in about 30 days. However, sometimes we have harmful habits that hinder our spiritual growth. Consider for a moment what you believe […]
A Tough Assignment
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” How familiar we are with Paul’s penciled words; Paul’s oft-used salutation rests upon God’s grace in salvation and peace that comes through the work of Jesus Christ. The subject matters vary: to the Romans, he wrote of unshakable truths for the […]
A Possible Revolution
It was a bustling Sunday morning at church. The children’s classes and adult fellowships overflowed with folks who appeared focused as well as fulfilled. The church was highly respected throughout the community and centrally located in one of the fastest growing cities of the nation. A visiting couple assessed the morning’s activities. Because their son […]
What You Never Expected
The opening story of the evening news was about a parent who forgot her child in the car. The day’s temperature was 107 degrees, outside of the car. The next story was about several people gunned down, and the next one detailed a car accident that resulted in severe injuries to all parties. By then, […]
And Justice for All
The brutal, unbearable details ignited the ruthless investigation. The young victim had made an outcry (the victim’s voice telling what has happened which must be reported by one who hears); his story was dreadfully horrifying. The family acted immediately, believing the justice system would be exceptionally cautious, especially because the victim was a disabled, […]