Jesus began the reframing process. For people to accept who He was as He was would have been quite a leap back then. Maybe it’s a leap for you today, because your life has taken an unexpected twist and the whirlwind has you twisted up. Perhaps you are one who has (mis)labeled other people; how humble is that? PLEASE, stop labeling or defining other people; we all need a Savior—that includes me and you.
Maybe, just maybe, you have resented what God allowed for so long that you wonder if He will take you back.
YES—so run to Him.
Few of life’s great lessons come packaged the way we imagined. Are you willing to start learning, to let go, to live? God’s always up to surprising us with what’s best when we’re willing to let Him lead.
I wrote this poem a couple months after my “non-typical” son turned 18.
If I Had Only Known
I held you close and softly cried, a lifetime diagnosis, many dreams then died.
I wondered how we’d make it, your sister, brother, and me,
It was not the family I expected, or wished that it would be.
But over time things have changed because of who YOU are,
A child of God, my teacher, my hero, a brightly shining star.
What this world will never see is what’s inside of you,
A nature pure in heart, authentic, simple, and true.
Because of you I’ve learned it’s okay to cry when our heart aches and often breaks,
I don’t have to hide or pretend to be what I’m not.
To be real is to be free, to smile and laugh a LOT.
To celebrate the little steps, to love you as you are,
To ask for God’s help when life seems oh so hard.
You’ve taught me to be kind, to accept, to love, to serve,
There’s much more joy in giving than in talking or being heard.
I’ve learned how ugly I can be, so full of pride and self,
You’ve taught me when life’s hard, it’s okay to ask for help.
But most of all you’ve shown me that life’s not about what’s said,
It’s not about accomplishments, or labels, what I know or have read.
Thank you for showing me what matters in this life . . .
To cling to God, accept His ways, no matter the calm or strife.

Let Me Hear from You
Sometimes we need to hear that life’s greatest teachers and lessons come from those people and circumstances we never could have imagined. Have you experienced some unexpected circumstances? How has your attitude toward God and others been affected? Are you willing to believe that God is still good and that what appears to be a mess is being worked into a masterpiece? What one area have you struggled with the most in dealing with the unexpected? Don’t wait . . . let’s talk today!
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