The old theme song from Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood echoed in my ears as I dropped Jon off at school . . . “It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor. . . .”
Jon and I had left for school on time, reviewed Jon’s affirmation page created for our commute, and considered his contribution to society as we conversed about statements such as, “Jon has great things to say,” “Jon is valued and important,” and “Jon does his best and that is good enough.” I relish mornings like this because it appears Jon’s sense of self-worth and confidence is strengthened—a process the Lord and I talk over quite often. On this high note, I began the drive home.

Traffic was unusually slow . . . like s-l-o-w-motion S L O W. And then, traffic stopped for so long I began to look for a parking meter and wasn’t so fond of Mr. Rogers anymore.
Two hours and 10 miles later, I reached home, greeted by construction workers clanking, banging, scraping away our old carpet, and installing wood flooring. The wood dust looked like smog had filled our home. Suffocating in dust, I climbed over stacks of furniture and scads of paperwork to find my computer. By mid-afternoon, I felt toxic and needed some air.
As I went to stand, a huge pile of picture cards for Jon’s communication needs splattered all over the dust-coated floor.
Picture cards are common tools used to help facilitate communication for those with communication challenges or intellectual disabilities. The pictures represent a sequence of activities typical folks do automatically: getting up and dressed, getting out the door and to work, and going through the day. Most do the thousands of one-step processes without difficulty. To aid people with neurological challenges, each step is pictured on a card or chart.
In many ways, such cards are lifelines to functioning.
God’s Truth in Pictures
While dusting off the 15 cards Jon uses when he brushes his teeth, I began to think about truth. God uses word pictures to help us understand Him and how we can function in this broken world of ours. Think with me in pictures . . .
- a cloud and fire for the Exodus
- a fortress and rock for our protection
- the stars and nature revealing God’s creative work
- tears for sorrow
- a checklist (if you will) for the Ten Commandments
- open hands for God’s generosity and grace
- the rod and staff for correction and reproof
- the crown of thorns for His death
- deep roots for faith
- water as refreshment
- eagle’s wings for rest
- the empty tomb for resurrection
- the breastplate of righteousness
And on we could go for pages.

Of all the cards I would choose, it would be a picture of the cross, for it is there that Christ demonstrated His love for us and died so that we may have eternal life. Our hope begins at the foot of the cross . . . where we release, surrender, and embrace the Christian life as it is.
Let Me Hear from You
We all need to be reminded of God’s simple truths because they are lifelines for us all as we live surrendered to Him.
Will you share with me what image of God’s truth you’d have on your picture card? I look forward to hearing from you.
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