I was lonely and asked the Lord to speak to me.
I received a letter from a dear friend, but I didn’t hear the Lord’s voice.
I was grieving and asked the Lord to comfort me.
A friend stopped by and sat with me as I cried, but I asked the Lord to comfort me.
I was sick and asked the Lord to provide relief.
Another friend brought my family dinner, but I had asked for relief.
I was in doubt about my faith in the Lord because He didn’t seem to listen.
The sunset that night was brilliant, vivid in color and depth, but the sunset didn’t help me believe.
I now realize the Lord was listening and did answer me.
But I expected something different and missed His care.
Often times, the things we seek are right in front of us. Yet we miss God’s presence because we often define how He should respond. We’re limited by our human condition. God’s ways are not our ways, said the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 55:9). When asking the Lord to meet our needs, we need to also ask for Him to enlighten the eyes of our souls.
God is responding; He is faithful and good, far beyond our expectations.