Thank you for joining us for this revisited conversation between Lawrence (Larry) and Colleen. Since the original recording date, Larry has passed away. We are deeply grateful for the impact he made and left during his years on earth with us. With this being said, we honor his life and hope you are able to learn and grow from the recording he and Colleen had the blessing to share.
Disclaimer: Statistics provided are data from 2015.
The statistics are shocking . . .
- Every ten seconds, a child sexual assault is reported.[ref]Childhelp, “Child Abuse Statistics and Facts,” accessed July 23, 2015.[/ref]
- Four children die from abuse every day.[ref]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Child Maltreatment Prevention,” accessed July 22, 2015.[/ref]
- 20 percent of students in grades 9–12 have reported being in a fight or bullied at school in the past 12 months.[ref]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Understanding Bullying, Fact Sheet 2013,” accessed July 22, 2015.[/ref]
- 95 percent of abused children are abused by someone they know: parent, relative, babysitter, friend, and caregiver.[ref]Per interview conversation with Lawrence Daly.[/ref]
- 50 percent of children who make an outcry to a parent about being abused are not believed.4
- 1.3 million nonfatal crimes occurred against the disabled in 2012.[ref]Disabled World, “1.3M Violent Crimes Against Persons with Disabilities—The Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics,” accessed July 22, 2015.[/ref]
- One in four girls and one in six boys are sexually assaulted before age 16.[ref]National Sexual Violence Resource Center, “Understanding Sexual Violence: Tips for Parents and Caregivers,” accessed July 23, 2015.[/ref]
- Seven of ten sexual addicts were sexually assaulted before age 12.4
That being said, there is no standard in the world for reporting child abuse, and there is no standard for convicting child abuse criminals.
Lawrence Daly was an international leader, speaker, and skilled professional striving to make this world a safer place for our kids.
It’s time to become part of the solution. It’s time to listen to the voices of those crying out for help. It’s time to be a transforming agent of change. No adult is free from God’s command to “take care of one of the least of these” (Matthew 25:45); that role is inescapable. Are you playing a part in creating a safer place for our children? Are you aware that you have a legal responsibility to listen and act if you know a child is being abused or neglected in any way?
There is not a lack of information; there is a lack of attentive action. I have to ask, what part are you going to play in the lives of those you love and care for? The following resources are here for your use. For further help, please reach out to Colleen and/or connect further with Reframing Ministries.
Best resources and websites regarding sexual abuse can be found below:
- FBI National Sex Offender Registry
- Family Watchdog National Sexual Offender Registry
- United States Department of Justice
- RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network):
RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization and was named one of America’s 100 Best Charities by Worth magazine. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE and in partnership with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country. RAINN operates the Safe Helpline for the United States Department of Defense. In 2015, the Online Hotline expanded to offer services in Spanish at The hotlines have helped more than two million people since 1994. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims, and ensure that rapists are brought to justice. For more information about RAINN, please visit
- Report Child Abuse
- Reporting Anonymously: The United States Department of Health and Human Services recommends that you call your local child protective services office located through an Internet search for your state or county or by calling Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at: 1-800-4-A-CHILD. All calls to the Childhelp hotline remain anonymous.
- How to Report Child Abuse
- Response to Crime Victims
- National Center on Elder Abuse
- Serving Crime Victims with Disabilities
Show Notes:
Tragically, Larry passed in 2017. The work he did was life-changing for many families around the world. I truly miss his kind heart and his love for Jesus. Larry Daly’s book Protect Your Kids Right is an outstanding resource purchasable on Amazon.
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