smiling woman with sparkler-stick fireworks

Happy New Year!

There’s nothing like starting something new! Filled with anticipation and expectations, no one really knows what will come of this year. This is for certain . . . we will be forced to change in some way.

Our “normal” today will not be our “normal” by year’s end. We all will have to reframe something.

One thing I’ve learned about the reframing process is that it cannot be done alone.

When we’re learning how to navigate a “new normal,” we need support.

We need help, wisdom, direction. We need to know others have successfully adapted to change . . . and we can too.

Let Me Hear from You . . . Really!

In 2018, my greatest desire is to connect with you—to be a voice that says, “You matter, you can do this, I’m with you to the very end no matter what!” But I need a little info.

The following questions are meant for you to tell me about YOU!

Through this blog, my hope is that this year will become a community of support, a caring place for you to land on bad days, an understanding place for you to be heard, a trustworthy place when you are in need, and a place to share wisdom you have learned along the way.

I can’t wait to hear from you! Here’s what I would love to know . . .

  • What topics interest you?
  • What are some of your struggles?
  • What part of faith is difficult for you?
  • What do you want to learn about?
  • What are your goals this year?
  • What suggestions do you have for the blog?

WELCOME, 2018!

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