Sometimes life just hits us like a ton of bricks. In a recent blog post titled “Triumph or Torture: Where Are You Headed?” I wrote about the importance of keeping our bodies fit.
Because we only get one body in this life, it’s pretty essential to pay attention to our physical health . . . or lack thereof!
Honestly, these days, I fall into the “lack-thereof” category. Have you been there too? I get to the point where I’m happily content if nothing is falling apart or falling off.
By the way, this mind-set applies to more than just physical exercise.
Damage Control
Really, it applies to every facet of life. Instead of thinking ahead and planning time for the important stuff of life, my focus swings to damage control—to scrambling to fix what’s urgent . . . dealing with emergencies . . .
I get so caught up in emergencies, I forget that the urgent stuff that grabs my time and attention often matters far less than the purposeful plans I’ve made.
So why is it so hard to balance—to discern what is most important in life?
Trying to Shortcut Healing
After my back surgery several months ago, I admit I tried to shortcut healing . . . not in major ways but by making little choices that eventually added up to a big mess.
I blew off little aches and pains and ignored recommendations for follow-up appointments because . . . well, because I thought I could take a shortcut rather than the long road to healing. In essence, I avoided the important and instead focused on what I thought was urgent.
Picture a quarter-pound, tiny, hairless, nervous, yapping dog that you want to muzzle because she barks and barks at the wind. (For DAYS!) Add some poundage and hair and you got it . . . right here. That’s me!
We are promised . . .
- Peace
- Rest
- Freedom from worry
- Freedom from fear through Christ
And I had a total “lack thereof.”
Our Legacy: Make It a Godly One
Dwight D. Eisenhower outlined a decision matrix for life management—a process of deciding and acting upon what was important versus what was urgent. The late Stephen Covey and other organizational leadership experts created or examined many time-management concepts and put their own signatures on how to make good decisions that result in healthy and meaningful lives.
It’s all about the choices we make every moment . . . because that moment is all we’re promised.
What you do moment by moment and day by day adds up to what you leave in this world. In the end, isn’t it about what makes a meaningful life anyway? Ask yourself:
What is the legacy that I want to leave?
Further, ask what God wants you to do. Does He want you to hurry and scurry, huffing and puffing until the house is blown down, or does He want you to make choices that will leave a godly legacy?
If you’re unsure how to get the picture, the unfailing truth of the Bible will show you.

Keep Things Simple
Long before the birth of Eisenhower, Covey, and countless others, the topic of living well, being steadfast and solid, was outlined in the Bible, repeatedly.
When a theme is repeated in Scripture, it’s especially important . . . and the theme of caring for our physical and spiritual health is repeated. Take note. We give the enemy a free ride into our lives, our homes, and our hearts by being inattentive to time and ignorant of God’s truth. Life works well when we function well. It’s as simple or as complicated as we want to make it.
I simplified. I dug into God’s Word and found that throughout Scripture, individuals have chosen to focus on the urgent rather than on God’s big picture.
- They focus on fear rather than on faith . . .
- They focus on the trouble at hand rather than their Redeemer.
Unity: Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit
I’m convinced that one of the biggest reasons why we don’t function as a unified whole in the church is because as individuals we are still in pieces. Fear fractures a steady, secure trust, and insecurities often lead us to impulsive reactions.
But when we focus on cultivating and integrating God’s truth into our daily lives, trusting in His sovereign care, those choices engage our,
- Body
- Soul
- Mind
- Spirit
People who attend to this process provide incredible opportunity to unify as a healthy church body.
Health 101
So where do we begin to navigate these important body-life needs?
Just as I mentioned, we dig into the truth and apply it to our lives . . .
- Body: Paul often compared the physical body to the spiritual life. In 1 Corinthians 12:12–17, he speaks of each part being important, physically and spiritually. So I ask, what do you do weekly to work on your physical health? By practicing wise choices for physical health, we are able to contribute to the church body more effectively.
- Mind: Psalm 119:105–112 speaks of God’s Word as a light. Are you putting His Word into your mind on a regular basis? Psalm 1 and Romans 12 call us to meditate on God’s Word and renew our minds DAILY. Are you doing that? In the body of Christ, there is one truth; we will never find unity by believing truth is relative or based on anything other than God’s Word.
- Soul: Hebrews 6:19 tells us our souls are anchored to eternal hope as believers. Every single day we hear bad news and face tough stuff. But when we have anchored our soul to God’s truths, then assurance, confidence, and hope enable us to work through life’s storms. Is your soul anchored to God’s hope?
- Spirit: Romans 8 is full of fantastic, life-changing truths about our spirit and life. Essentially, we choose what our spirit focuses on . . . either the truth or the flesh. A divided spirit leads to a divided life. A divided life leads to divided behaviors and decisions.
Let Me Hear from You
Maintaining physical and spiritual health is a lifelong journey, on which we choose our direction one choice at a time. Each choice is important. Where are you on your journey, in regard to your physical and spiritual health?
How can I help you be the best you—body, mind, soul, and spirit?
What one important decision can you make this week that will lead to a stronger, unified body?
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