An Interview with Meaghan Wall
Meaghan has served Pastoral Leader of Special Needs at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas since 2006. She has a passion for families affected by special needs and enjoys helping churches across the world catch the vision of Special Needs Ministry. She has degree in Social Work from Texas Tech University and a Masters in Christian Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary. Meaghan has contributed to several blogs, written for KidsMin Magazine, helped launch curriculum adaptations for ReThink Curriculum, leads the Special Needs Track at The Orange Conference, and has consulted with multiple churches both in the US and abroad. Meaghan is supported by her amazing husband (Michael) and two sons (Jackson and Grayson) who are the love of her life. Meaghan is best described by a sign in her office that reads, “Jesus, Dr. Pepper, and Texas Tech”.