Ever had one of those days or weeks where unexpected stuff pops up and drains the life out of you? Like the game “whack a mole,” just as you knock out one issue another shoots up—WHACK! then another—WHACK, SLAM! . . . then another—WHACK, SLAM, SCREAM! I had one of those weeks not long ago. […]
Category: Uncategorized
You Did It!
I was hesitant to ask you for a favor. I know you have a lot on your plate, so for me to ask you to do one more thing was a big ask. Deep down I knew it would be helpful but, boy, I didn’t imagine ALL we would get from it. A big group […]
This Is for You
I’m sure sometimes you just roll your eyes. The things you read, see, and hear can be so trivial and unhelpful at times. If only people knew what you are REALLY going through. Well, I REALLY DO want to know. I want to know what YOU want to know, so I can serve you better. […]
Hidden within every challenge
Hidden within every challenge is an incredible opportunity. Some struggles are enormous, but they are allowed for a purpose.
Continue readingMore TagIllusions: The Danger of Believing What Is Absolutely Not True
Was the dress white with gold lace or blue with black lace? The jury’s still out on this one. In 2015, the Internet exploded over one dress. Or shall I say the color of one dress. Lies We Believe A wedding attendee shared with a few friends a photo, asking about the color of the […]
The Top Five Posts of 2016
It has become a global obsession. Blogging. What began in the late 1990s has revolutionized continents, companies, the corporate market, and constant individual attention. There are a bazillion bloggers out there! Because of this, I’m honored that you take time to read mine. Thank you for continuing to support Reframing Ministries through our blog. The […]
Compassion Means Extending Gentleness
Compassion means extending gentleness, authentic empathy, and tender mercies to another, regardless of their skin or scars or soul failures.
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