
Experiencing Grief
by Norman Wright

Author of over 70 books, well-respected licensed marriage, family, and child therapist, Dr. H. Norman write provides one of the best works on grief anyone could find. The Wrights have personal experience with grief as they raised and eventually buried a son with multiple disabilities. Wright gives words and direction to the bewildering pathway of grief, inspiring and uplifting those on the journey throughout each page. A must have for church libraries, pastor’s, counselors, and Christian leaders.

The Healing Path: How The Hurts in Your Past can Lead You To a More Abundant Life
by Dan Allender

With skill, expertise, wisdom, and great understand for those in pain, Allender provides hope to people seeking restoration from life’s hurts. Hardships lead to feelings of powerlessness, ambivalence, doubts about God and faith, and despair. Healing begins when the choice to find a meaningful purpose, then discovering deeper faith and renewed hope.

The Grief Recovery Handbook: The Action Program for Moving beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses
by John W. James and Russell Friedman

Though we wish grief fit nicely into a step-by-step recovery process, authors James and Friedman accurately reveal there is no simple process, nor does the process have distinct beginnings or endings. Familiar with the desperately difficult and winding pathways grief imposes on our lives, this work was developed to guide not a quick fix pattern to follow. “We did not come to our careers in grief recovery by way of intellectual pursuit; we were jolted into this work by our broken hearts” (introduction, xv). Incomplete grief damages our lives long term; this handbook offers specific actions that need to be taken for one regain a sense of hope. While this work is challenging, is essential to our lives.

Tear Soup
by Pat Schweibert

Tear Soup is one of the best and most popular grief resources out there. Although it looks and reads like a fairy tale or child’s fable; it is very informative about grief for adults as well as children.

Living When a Loved One Has Died
by Earl Grollman

In gentle, almost poetic form, the author unfolds the truest experiences of those in grief. He expresses the raw emotional roller coasters as well as the inspiring well of hope one experiences in the recovery process.

The Resilient Family: Living with Your Child’s Illness or Disability
by Paul W. Power and Arthur Dell Orto

Realistic and practical, the authors provide incredible optimism available to families as they learn to manage stress, cope with challenges, and grow in resiliency. Their insight gives incredible wisdom and instruction as a family network encounters crisis. Depending on individual choices, possibilities are unlimited when the focus is upon thriving from the events once presented as impossible obstacles.

When God Weeps: Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Erickson Tada and Steven Estes

When life is good and seems to make sense, trusting in God is easy. However, when suffering-and most of all senseless suffering invades our lives, belief and trust in God seems futile. Spending most of her life paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair, Joni writes not about suffering but about the God of all comfort who remains close to those as suffering continues.

Turn My Mourning into Dancing: Finding Hope in Hard Times

Well beloved author Henri Nowen comforts those broken hearted in spirit. Compiled and edited by Timothy Jones, the never-published writings of Nowen are compiled into five chapters titled “movements”. Henri Nowen was greatly respected as a pastor and professor; yet believes his final years serving in a home for the disabled was the most significant contribution to his life endeavors. This work offers great wisdom and timeless truths.

The Gift of Pain: Why We Hurt and What We Can Do About It
by Philip Yancey and Dr. Paul Brand

Have you ever wondered what a life without pain would be like? While that sounds ideal, life without pain is terribly tragic. Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey help us understand the physical significance of feeling pain, thus offering a perspective of God’s severe mercy due to the presence of pain in our lives.

The Grief Club: The Secret to Getting Through All Kinds of Change
by Melody Beattie

Most people are a part of different clubs through life. We join neighborhood clubs, fitness clubs, church, and community clubs comprised of people with similar interests. However, no one chooses what Melody Beattie calls “The Grief Club,” comprised of people connected by life’s unexpected losses or hardships. Known for her candid authenticity, Beattie shares her personal experiences with death, divorce, and drug addiction—illustrating that life transformation begins when we choose to participate with others joined together by life’s inevitable difficulties.