God has done mighty things throughout history, and He can accomplish great things through you.
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It’s not our job to evaluate
It’s not our job to evaluate God’s plan and decide if it’s up to par with what we want. It’s our job to surrender to His plan–which includes every experience we encounter.
Continue readingMore TagFear causes us to believe
Fear causes us to believe we can rescue ourselves through our own control, power, skill, knowledge, ability, or strength.
Continue readingMore TagIt’s often when we are all alone
It’s often when we’re all alone that we make life’s most powerful choices. Our response to circumstances simply reveals what we have chosen to believe.
Continue readingMore TagOne May Have Oratory Elegance
One may have oratory elegance, awe-inspiring gifts, faith that quakes the earth and seas; but without a soul founded on and filled with love, all other abilities and actions are meaningless.
Continue readingMore TagGod’s door is always open
God’s door is always open. Walk right in, lie down, and hear your Lord say you are loved, treasured, and valued beyond measure!
Continue readingMore TagNo one can change the past
No one can change the past; everyone can choose a new path today. Wherever you are in life, take the drive for perfection out of the equation . . . it’s an illusion.
Continue readingMore TagMerry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Continue readingMore TagWhen life’s circumstances push you
When life’s circumstances push you out of the nest, lean in. Lean into the free fall as an opportunity to learn to fly, and trust the Lord to help you land.
Continue readingMore TagChrist’s Life and Death Was Required
Christ’s life and death was required so that we have eternal hope today–a beautiful plan of God’s glorious grace and abounding love.
Continue readingMore TagYour story isn’t complete, so give God your life
Your story isn’t complete, so give God your life and remember He loves you–He still has a few more chapters to add to your story.
Continue readingMore TagPain has brought me to a dependence on God
Pain has brought me to a dependence on God I would have never known if given relief. In spite of the pain, He has been and continues to be faithful.
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